Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's been so long since I've posted that...

I have actually forgotten that I have changed the look of my blog. is super crazy busy at work and my days are just flying by. Yesterday the school secretary was away at a course, which meant that I had to cover my position as well as hers and man it was CRAZY!!! I had my first bite of lunch at 2:00 pm and then the kids came into the office just after 3 pm and next thing you know they pillaged through the rest of my lunch sack and that was it for me...a sandwich. Oh well...BIG NEWS....Susan is NOT a morning person. I have adjusted quite nicely to getting up at 5:45am to get ready and leave the house at 6:30am for work, but getting up at 4am so I can work out before is just plain NUTS, so after weeks of trying this out and failing I have decided that I am not even going to waste my time and attempt getting up early. This is usually how it goes down...alarm goes of and I tell Trevor that I slept like crap and I will do my exercise in the evening and then I end up going to back to sleep till 5:45am and I do my workout in the evening. So the question is why do I even attempt to get up early...why don't I just face the fact that I am not a "morning" person and save the workouts for the evening. This is it....Susan is now an evening exerciser. Some days mornings will still be the only time available, but once in awhile it'll be okay...I will survive.My goodness...the children seem to think that the Easter Bunny is going to set up some huge Eater Egg Hunt, but the "Easter Bunny" has yet to buy any treats never mind plan a good egg hunt...any ideas for some fun Easter Egg hunts???? I really want to make it fun for them. I don't think they have too many years of Easter Egg to watch the rest of Biggest Loser and then bed time. Tomorrow I have a final in Applied Movement Mechanics. Not too stressed about it because if everything goes wrong tomorrow and I end up with 0% on the final then I will still pass the course...yeah...I am so busy at work that part of me doesn't even want to go and write it, but that would be wrong...Okay...Susan is off to bed....

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